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(H1B, H11B)

DESIGN Patent Qty per box B, mm c/c, mm Hanging points
H1B 500x50 ** 100 500 50 10
H1B 600x50 ** 100 600 50 12
H1B 800x50 ** 100 800 50 16
H1B 1000x50 ** 100 1000 50 20
H1B 1200x50 ** 100 1200 50 24 Qty per box B, mm c/c, mm Hanging points
H11B 500x50 ** 100 500 50 10
H11B 550x50 ** 100 550 50 11
H11B 600x50 ** 100 600 50 12
H11B 650x50 ** 100 650 50 13
H11B 700x50 ** 100 700 50 14
H11B 700x78 ** 100 700 78 9
H11B 750x50 ** 100 750 50 15
H11B 800x50 ** 100 800 50 16
H11B 800x73 ** 100 800 73 11
H11B 1000x50 ** 100 1000 50 20
H11B 1200x50 ** 100 1200 50 24
  • Hanging points protected
  • Recommended for maximum Ø 2,0 mm hooks (H1B) and Ø 4,0 mm hooks (H11B)
  • H11B fit HCF (frames)
  • Special design for different lengths (50-1500 mm) and c/c (23-75 mm)