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(MH 6)

DESIGN Patent Qty per box Colour
MH 61 D10 BH ** 25 green
MH 61 D10 BHL ** 25 green
MH 61 D16 BH ** 25 orange
MH 61 D16 BHL ** 25 orange Qty per box Colour
MH 6 D10 ** 250 green
MH 6 D16 ** 250 orange
MHM 6 D10 ** 1000
MHM 6 D16 ** 250
MHA 6 D10 ** 1000 green
MHA 6 D16 ** 500 orange
MH 6 BHL 25X4,0 135 ** 250
MH 6 BH 35X4,0 135 ** 250
  • Magnet system with small, but very strong magnets
  • 2 different magnet sizes
  • Pull force up to 2 kg (MH 61 D10) and 6 kg (MH 61 D16)
  • Fits either to hanging system BH or BHL
  • Always test actual application and in actual oven conditions